1 - 7 AUGUST 2022 - ASSISI

A retreat to acquire the tools you need to contact yourself and become more capable of enjoying life through self awareness practices.

We thought for you two different formulas, the first full immersion that is a intensive path dedicated to self-discovery and a second light formula that we call spiritual vacation where you will have the opportunity during the day to have free time to visit and enjoy the beautiful places that host the retreat.

Love Yourself Meditating is designed for all those wishing to go deeper within themselves. It is for truly finding and getting know ourselves, discovering our real talents and letting go of limits, fears, letting go of the past and everything that stops us from being free.

The time has come to take a time for yourself .

Amarsi Meditando
e cosa lo differenzia
dagli altri retreat
A place of peace

A place has a fundamental role in creating the best conditions for a moment with yourself. Our rural center, le Case, located amidst the beautiful nature of the Monte Subasio reserve over Assisi, Italy, offers all that is needed for a regenerating retreat.

The path

Love Yourself Meditating is not an event but a path, benefiting from the best tools and techniques from the International School of Self Awareness, which has had over 30 years of experience in the field.


The path has been developed with many years of experience. All activities are led by certified trainers.

What is Love Yourself Meditating and what distinguishes it from other retreats

Amarsi Meditando è un retreat realizzato per tutti coloro che desiderano prendersi un tempo per immergersi in sé stessi, incontrarsi veramente, imparare a conoscersi e ritrovarsi. Vivrai questa esperienza con persone da tutto il mondo che condividono il tuo stesso desiderio e che si stanno avvicinando a questo ambito.
Partecipando all’esperienza di AMARSI MEDITANDO potrai trovare nuova energia fisica, emotiva e mentale per la tua vita.

Un luogo di pace

Il luogo è fondamentale per creare le migliori condizioni a un momento per sé. L’agriturismo Le Case, nella meravigliosa natura del Monte Subasio dietro Assisi, offre tutti gli elementi per un retreat profondamente rigenerante.

Un percorso

Amarsi Meditando non è un evento, ma un percorso che gode dei migliori strumenti e tecniche della International School of Self Awareness, una scuola con oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel campo.


Il percorso è stato messo a punto grazie all’esperienza pluriennale. Le attività sono tenute da trainer certificati che hanno dimostrato la validità delle loro competenze.

The way of Meditation


Phisical wellbeing

Meditation is good for you and this statement is no longer an opinion. Science has now confirmed many benefits of this ancient discipline on both the physical and psychological levels. In fact, there are now an estimated 200-500 million people worldwide who meditate.

“Stop, take a moment to be with yourself”


Emotional wellbeing

Among the great benefits of meditation, we find those that relate to managing emotions, such as improving self-esteem, increasing a sense of optimism and lowering levels of anxiety and negativity. Meditation allows us to have a proactive and purposeful attitude to life, hosting in us the emotions of harmony, beauty and balance which bring us closer to well-being.

“From the first breath, meditation makes you better”


Mental wellbeing

It is in our mind that we find the realm of possibility, where everything can be created to bring us closer to the life we really want, which we sometimes avoided because of the endless list of our fears. Meditation allows us to reach that personal contact with ourselves where we enter into relationship with the world around us and express 3 attitudes: feel good, do good and be grateful to life. It is in this condition that our mind is able to see that life itself is a gift.

“To meditate is not to close your eyes but to open them to life”


Spiritual wellbeing

What is the ultimate sense of my existence?
What is important to me?
What do I really want?

“Who am I?”

Thanks to this course you will:

Who is Love Yourself Meditating for?

For those who desire to go deep within themselves and to know themselves better.

For those who no longer want to be at the mercy of situations, people and events.

For those who want to find calm and detach the past.

For those who want to improve their meditation.

For those who are going through a dark time and want to strengthen themselves.

For those who desire to go deep within themselves and to know themselves better.

Who am I? What do I really want?

Since we appeared on this planet, we’ve been trying to get to know ourselves, to tell ourselves who we really are and how to live fully. Thanks to Loving Yourself Meditating, we are researching an internal dialogue which allows us to go deep inside ourselves in search of the deepest and most personal moments in order to become more focused, more determined and happier than before. Successful people are those who know how to listen and speak to themselves, who know how to be enthused by their aspirations and enjoy life.

For those who no longer want to be at the mercy of situations, people and events.

Fate isn’t what happens to you. It is moving deliberately towards a goal you established. In fact, you should not focus on what you are but on what you can become. The practices of self awareness allow you to find a space inside your mind which lets you see your daily life in a different way, becoming the maker of your own destiny.

For those who want to find calm and detach the past

One of the most important things we need in our life is detachment. Many people write to us every day that they no longer want to be at the mercy of their own emotions, external events, other people or their own past. Detachment is the first big step in meditation. In fact, letting go means deciding NOW to become new and being open to transformation without fear of change.

For those who want to improve their meditation.

In the retreat, we will deal with the most profound aspects of meditation such as its origin, detachment, peace, but also its most practical aspects such as preparation, position, physical posture, relaxation, breath and dominion of the mind.

For those who are going through a dark time and want to strengthen themselves.

Are you going through a difficult moment in your life and you need to stop and dedicate a time to yourself? Meditation is the best tool to get into contact with the deepest part of our being and start a dialogue with ourselves which will transform us, heal us, regenerate us and allow us to overcome fear.

No, it’s not just for beginners

Love Yourself Meditating is a retreat created by Patrizio Paoletti, who has more than 40 years of experience in meditation and in the practices of self-awareness. The course is designed for both beginners – offering practical advice and suggestions – and advanced practitioners who want to take a moment for themselves to reach new comprehensions.

What is the purpose of meditation ?

Some of the benefits of meditation according to scientific research:

  • Reduces stress: meditating significantly lowers cortisol levels, which is the substance in the brain that causes stress.
  • Improves emotional health: through increasing self-awareness, the practice of meditation also improves self-esteem and pro-activeness, lowering anxiety, negativity and depression.
  • Increases attention and concentration.
  • Lowers arterial pressure, reducing the risk of a heart attack and other conditions.
  • Increases productivity and creativity.
  • Improves memory helping to prevent aging of the brain and maintain a young mind.

Who are you really?

Do you ever ask yourself if the life you are living is a real expression of your dreams?

Are you truly happy and accomplished or do you have the feeling that you live in pursuit of what your culture says is right for you?

Do you feel alive and proactive or do you feel ‘taken away’ by the situations of your daily life?

Are you developing your talents or have you given up?

The purpose of these questions is to speak honestly with ourselves.

Even if the truth sometimes creates discomfort.

You see, it is exactly for this reason that many people (too many people) hide their internal world from themselves, chasing goals and dreams that don’t resonate with their hearts and find themselves, years later, living a life they never really wanted.

Their problem is that they never stop, not even for a moment, to ask themselves:

  • What do I really want?
  • What is really important for me?
  • What are my deepest and most intimate aspirations?

You don’t have to be a person who lives like this.

Who are you really? Who would you like to be?

Now, more than ever, it is time to stop, take a moment for yourself and take responsibility for the fulfillment of your life.

In fact, the truth is that, no matter what your life is now, YOU have the power to transform it.

The choice is yours.

You don’t know if a retreat is for you? Meditation scares you?
You don’t think you are able to meditate?

Don’t worry.

It is not a given that you can meditate. So we simply start with the first breath that already makes you feel better. Many people are afraid of finding silence because they’re afraid to see themselves.

Indeed, when we really go into the silence, it first shows us our limits. But then we are able to overcome these because we start to love ourselves on another level, with a new depth and strength.

This strength transforms us, heals us, regenerates us and lets us overcome fear. And in loving ourselves, we honor and love life.


What does the retreat include?


Here are some of the activities you will do in these days:

2 special moments in the morning and evening with the Practices of Self Awareness


Here are some of the activities you will do in these days:

10 intensive hours per day dedicated to you for contacting your inner self:



16.00 – 17.30: Conscious Movements, Sacred Dances and Self Awareness Yoga Kryia

19.00: VIPASSANA “The Way of Inner Beauty”

05.30: WAKE UP




11.30: BREAK

12.00: TECHNIQUE “The Inner Compass”

13.00: LUNCH

14.00: BREAK

16.00: Conscious Movements, Sacred Dances and Self Awareness Kryia Yoga


19.00: VIPASSANA “The Way of Inner Beauty”

20.00: DINNER



Take a moment
for you.

Play Video


Choose to take the entire training online
We have entered the online mode just to allow you to follow the training from the comfort of your home.

1 Extra Bonus

Signing up to the RETREAT, you will have access to a course LEARNING TO MEDITATE via your account on International School of Self Awareness portal



Learning to Meditate
is an online course from Patrizio on meditation with video lessons and guided meditation.

Patrizio Paoletti

The founder of the International School of Self Awareness.
He has always maintained that the future of our species is enclosed in the awareness of our being one whole. A man of peace, a mentor and an influencer, he dedicated his life to developing practical methods and tools for self-knowledge.

The International School of Self Awareness

The International School of Self Awareness, founded in 1984, offers the knowledge and tools needed by all those who are searching for and directing their attention to the process and the very meaning of life.


Humanity has always asked themselves certain existential questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? The answers to these questions cannot be taken for granted.


Tapping into philosophy, art, science and economy – the noble foundation of human evolution – the International School of Self Awareness offers the necessary knowledge to all those who are searching and giving the right attention to the process and meaning of their own existence.

What they said about Patrizio Paoletti

Lasciati consigliare da chi ha già provato i nostri corsi

Grazie infinite conosco la meditazione da oltre 30 anni la praticavo non costantemente anzi negli ultimi anni avevi lasciato ogni pratica, in questo momento storico ho ripreso ma credimi, da quando ho iniziato ad ascoltarti sin dalla prima lezione, con le tue spiegazioni chiare e dirette, mi hai dato una carica interiore ed una volontà incredibile, facendomi riscoprire la preziosità dello stato meditativo.


Volevo esprimere la mia gioia nell'avere iniziato queste videolezioni di introduzione alla meditazione..un incontro con ciò che non conoscevo o forse credevo di conoscere.. che mi sta facendo del bene, dandomi quindi la voglia di andare avanti...orientandomi al prezioso potere della trasformazione...
La felicità di sapere che sono io l'unica responsabile nella gestione delle emozioni, e che ho il potere di dare a loro il giusto posizionamento, non permettendo più che quelle distruttive mi devastino...


La spinta iniziale era di provare a stare con me stesso. Poi ho scoperto che poteva essere uno strumento per placare alcuni miei aspetti con i quali non andavo d'accordo. Successivamente, una volta scoperto che potevo trovare pace e silenzio, ho capito che mi aiuta a migliorare. Avere come coach Patrizio è un grande aiuto per fare un avanzamento nella pratica.


"Mi sta aiutando a focalizzarmi sul mio obiettivo e a prefigurare. Ho compreso che stabilendo le priorità mi allontano dalle emozioni negative generate da pensieri non utili per ciò che desidero diventare."


Sto ascoltando le tue parole che sono acqua preziosa da cui attingere, ogni giorno, più consapevolezza
La nostra direzione, la nostra mansuetudine, la nostra pazienza
Ci lavoro da anni e il mio percorso è iniziato con un breve periodo di meditazione dal quale, come un fiume in piena, ho incominciato a camminare nel mondo della conoscenza di me stessa e del me stessa in relazione col resto che è fuori di me.
Mi fermo qui e ti dico solo grazie


Grazie !! Sono così felice di poter approfondire la tecnica con la sua guida! Preziosissimo corso! Un vero regalo a se stessi 😊 💎


Quello che sento è molto utile per imparare a capire che posso avere una relazione con il corpo rilassarlo perché lui mi dia energia !


Gia' da piccolo spesso rincorrevo i miei pensieri, emozioni, aspirazioni,cercando di darmi delle risposte ai tanti interrogativi che mi ponevo . La risposta o contentino che mi davo era "PASSERA'! ". Ora mi rispondo medita e trova la soluzione, naturalmente sono agli inizi! Ma chi bene inizia e' gia' amerà' strada.✨🙏✨


Molto bello istruttivo Sto imparando molte cose molti modi di affrontare diversamente tante situazioni Grazie dei consigli


Our choices determine
who we are and what we want

This moment in which you find yourself can be defined as the moment of CHOICE.

Deciding to participate in this course, to be here now and begin this practice, you are telling yourself that you are ready to create a new world, generated by you: the world of your choices and your opportunities.

It is your choices and opportunities around you which determine not just who you are but who you will become.

Be aware that what you sow today will determine who you will be tomorrow.

Choosing today to dedicate a little time to yourself every day will mean reaping a better life tomorrow – more focused, less wasteful.

Our choices determine
who we are and what we want

This moment in which you find yourself can be defined as the moment of CHOICE.

Deciding to participate in this course, to be here now and begin this practice, you are telling yourself that you are ready to create a new world, generated by you: the world of your choices and your opportunities.

It is your choices and opportunities around you which determine not just who you are but who you will become.

Be aware that what you sow today will determine who you will be tomorrow.

Choosing today to dedicate a little time to yourself every day will mean reaping a better life tomorrow – more focused, less wasteful.

Sign up to Love Yourself Meditating


17 - 20 JUNE
21-24 JULY
28-31 JULY


*accommodation included in double room - half board treatment - for further needs please contact directly the structure


16-20 JUNE
20 - 24 JULY
27 - 31 JULY
1-05 August



*accommodation included in double room - full board treatment - for further needs please contact directly the structure


1 - 7 AUGUST 2022



* The maximum available number of double rooms has been reached

*The offer does not include accommodation and meals which need to be purchased separately at Le Case.

To book a place, you can call the Le Case directly on +39075802261

Le iscrizioni sono chiuse.
Iscriviti alla lista d'attesa per essere avvisato
alla prossima riapertura.

Chiedo che le informazioni che ho inserito nel form siano usate come descritto nella informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali di cui ho preso visione.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can make a special request for an invoice in the process of booking.

For this course we have not provided an option for payments in instalments.

Definitely not. Each event is unique because it is enrich by the experiences and understandings of the people who participate in it.

You can get a full refund by leaving the leaving the event within the first day and letting the trainers the reason for your dissatisfaction.

Registrations are open until the date of the event, unless the seats are sold out earlier.

Sorry, there are no refunds in case you cannot participate.

Silent meditation, Compassion meditation, Vipassana and Sacred Dances and Movements

Yes, you can participate with a written consent from your parent/ carer. You can also be accompanied by your parent/legal guardian if they too are signed up to the course.

Please read the section titled “WHO IS LOVING YOURSELF MEDITATING FOR”. If you have special circumstances or need specific advice, please contact us in the live chatbox. We will be happy to listen and guide you the best we can.

For all questions, you can message us in the Live Chat, clicking on the button at the bottom of this page, or you can write to us at:

Do you have questions or need help?

If you have questions or you need help, please message us in the live chatbox which you can find at the bottom of the page.

We will assist you as soon as we can.

השאר פרטים ונחזור אליך בהקדם